Last week was busy here in Olympia. We hit our first major deadline in the legislative process on Friday—legislation in policy committees had to be voted out for it to remain “alive”.  Unfortunately, this means that there is good legislation that won’t make it any farther.  But there are also harmful bills that are still alive.

Here’s a great resource to understand what bills are still on the table in the House— both the good and the bad.

Over in the Senate, there was a hearing in the Ways and Means Committee on the majority of tax bills being proposed. The taxes project to raise $38 billion in revenue over ten years if they are all enacted. Click here to check out this helpful article on the tax proposal.

I believe people in Central Washington and around the state have made it clear that they don’t want more taxes. I’ll continue to do my part to ensure government reforms are enacted instead of new taxes.  Working families must live within their means and so should government.

Read My Editorial in The Capitol Press

Rep. Bruce ChandlerThe Capital Press recently published an editorial I wrote highlighting a comprehensive plan to improve water storage in the Yakima River Basin and ensure the viability of agriculture in our region for many years to come.

“Mark Twain said, “whisky is for drinking, but water is for fighting.” Fortunately, the fighting has come to a compromise in the Yakima Basin and we have a solution most can agree on. Tribes, the federal government, counties, state agencies, irrigation districts and environmental groups came together and formed an integrated plan. The plan includes ‘something for everyone’ in the form of seven different elements that must move forward simultaneously.”

Click here to read more…

Granger Wrestling Wins State Championship!

In other news, my hometown—Granger—celebrated the first high school state championship in its 70-year history. Congratulations to the Granger High School Wrestling team for bringing home the Class 1A State Championship!

Yakima is Wine Winner

Lastly, I wanted to share this great editorial published in the Yakima Herald that points out our region’s increasing fame in the wine world.

I’m very proud to represent this diverse and vibrant community.  And as always, I’m eager to hear from you.
